About my garden

I thought I should give a bit of detail about the type of garden I have and the layout of it so that readers can make sense of what I'm babbling about in my blog!  Later on, it may help to explain why certain things do or don't work which is part of my reason for doing a blog in the first place.  Learning by experience is the reason for this "Let's see what happens" garden.

Straight out the back door, I have a patio big enough for a gazebo, table and about 8 chairs (tried and tested during the housewarming party!) so it's a decent size.  This is where I keep all my pots.  I've also inherited a bench which has seen better days but it's placed against the living room wall which I've discovered is a sun trap so I'm not getting rid of the bench any time soon!  The patio and back garden are East facing but at this time of year it's getting the sun for most of the day.  It's a shame that the sun is round the front by dinner time though as that means no outside dining for me in the evening!  Hubby doesn't mind that because he doesn't like the outdoors much.  Hence why I'm in charge of the garden!

After the patio is my grass.  Or to be more accurate, my moss.  I intend to get the grass back at some stage but mum thinks I should wait till next year to prepare the ground before "growing season".  So that's a project for another time!

To the left of the moss is a very thin path which leads to the side door of the garage and to the left of the path is my flower bed.  The bed is almost the length of the garage so a decent size again.  However, on the left of the flower bed is my fat rhubarb which just continues to grow!  On the right of the bed is a wild patch of heather, small blue flowers and grass (why is it grass grows where you don't want it but doesn't grow where you do want it?).  I have left the wild patch for now for 2 reasons; 1. the heather is in bloom and it looks lovely, 2. it's going to be a bit of work pulling all that out and preparing the soil for anything else.  I might decide not to pull all the heather out as I quite like it and could be used to make craft items.  Not sure what those craft items are yet but another project for another day!  

I have sandy soil on account of living near the coast and it can be a bit of a windy garden.  I have no idea what Ph my soil is but my sister has a degree in something agricultural and scientific so I'll see if she can help with that question.

The driveway leading from the garage to the front of the house is north facing so I don't have anything growing in that part.  I don't think I could fit anything at the side of the drive anyway since cars seem to be wider these days!  

At the front of the house there's no grass or moss.  Where there should be grass someone has laid stones.  I think I would prefer grass but I'll see how I get on.  Here I have dotted pots around and these were all given as gifts so I'm not entirely sure where's the best place to put them for optimal growing.  I was also given a wooden wheelbarrow "pot" which looks lovely as a centrepiece.  I did want a wishing well but there were none of those in the shop and the neighbour has one anyway so I don't want to copy!  The front garden is bordered with a hedge.  There's also a bit of hedge under the front window which dies back in the winter and has been coming to life over the course of April.  I can't think why anyone would want a hedge under their window that isn't evergreen but I'm stuck with it for now!  The front garden is west facing and catching the sun from about 3pm.  However, it's back in shade by about 8pm as the sun dips behind the other houses in the cul-de-sac so it doesn't get sun for long.  At the moment the front garden looks quite boring but my attention is on the back garden for the moment.  One bit at a time... I'll get round to the front in due course!

So that takes us to the front door where I have a Marguerite Daisy plant (given as a gift) on the right.  Again, I'm not sure if this is the best place for it.  I'm trying to research everything but with a full time job and a sociable family, I'm usually short of time.  Another reason why this is a "Let's see what happens" garden!

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